Welcome to Hoosick Falls NY Forward!
The NY Forward process, led by the New York Department of State, has awarded the Village $4.5M to develop a Strategic Investment Plan and implement key catalytic projects that advance the community's vision for revitalization.
Photo: Stock Studios Photography
Thank you for participating in the
NY Forward Process!
Revitalize Downtown Hoosick Falls
The Village of Hoosick Falls encompasses a valley of nearly 1.6 square miles along the banks of the picturesque Hoosick River. The river is primarily recreational, but flows past infrastructure hearkening back to the village’s deep industrial and agricultural roots, drawing visitors and new residents. In recent years, Hoosick Falls has seen a resurgence in private, public, and non-profit investment.

As part of the NY Forward application process, Hoosick Falls identified the boundary of the downtown area where it proposes to focus its planning efforts. Slight modifications
may be made to the boundary during the planning process, subject to State approval.
Hoosick Falls NY Forward Boundary

May 29, 202412-2pmSaratoga Town
Identification and Development of Priority Projects
NYF Strategic Investment Plan